Maharishikaa - Ayodhya Mandir – Renaissance of Spiritual FREEDOM - after a 1000 years!


Ayodhya Mandir, After 1000 years of oppression, the rebirth of Bhaarat, the symbol for the rebirth of spiritual freedom - On the 22nd of January, 2023, the Ram temple in Ayodhya was consecrated. What makes the Ayodhya Mandir special? Is only about a temple? Is it only about a religion?

Maharishikaa provides insight into the significance of the Ayodhya temple. 550 years ago, the temple, built on the place where Rama was born, was destroyed by the Islamic invaders, and a mosque constructed in its place. For centuries, Hindus tried to reclaim the Ram temple. Finally, they destroyed the mosque, won the case in court, and the Ram Mandir was reconstructed.

In a world where founder religions dominate almost everywhere, imposing their top-down fear based moral systems, Hindus, Sanatanis all over the world can no longer just sit and be quiet. They are standing up for spiritual freedom, defending the eternal Dharma! The Sanatana Dharma.

#Maharishikaa #AyodhyaMandir #SanatanaDharma

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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