#goddess #paganism #wicca
Is there historical evidence to support the idea that once, in a matriarchal past, there was one great mother Goddess from whom all the Goddesses stem?
The Triumph of the Moon by Hutton https://amzn.to/40xErd5
The Scientification of Religion by von Stukrad https://amzn.to/40RTaPQ
the language of the goddess by Marija Gimbutas https://amzn.to/3zks4p5
Myth, Religion, and Mother Right by Bachofen https://amzn.to/40xpU15
The White Goddess by Robert Graves https://amzn.to/3KnNjfO
The Power of Myth by Campbell https://amzn.to/3G9nqOh
Canon 90D camera https://amzn.to/3yQclh0
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 https://amzn.to/3JjU1BS
Teleprompter https://amzn.to/3linWCB
Shure SM7B Microphone https://amzn.to/3Jm5IYK
Microphone stand https://amzn.to/3FueJOn
lights https://amzn.to/3Zdk8k1
Brunotte, Ulrike. 2012. “Unveiling Salome 1900—Entschleierungen zwischen Sexualität, Pathosformel und Oriental Dance.” In Verschleierter Orient—Entschleierter Okzident: (Un‐)Sichtbarkeit in Politik, Recht, Kunst und Kultur seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, edited by Bettina Dennerlein, Elke Frietsch, and Therese Steffen, 93–116. Paderborn: Fink
Hutton, R. 2019. The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft 2 edition. Oxford: OUP Oxford.
von Stuckrad, K. 2014. The Scientification of Religion. Boston, Berlin: De Gruyter.
00:00 Intro: Where did the idea of a Great Goddess originate?
00:50 Evolutionism & ancient matriarchy
01:42 Johann Jakob Bachofen
04:33 Bachofen’s views influences others
08:37 Jane E. Harrison
10:05 Other scholars
12:34 Reaching a broader readership
14:15 Support Angela’s Symposium
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