Dr Ibrahim Karim - BioGeometry: Solutions to Harmonize Environment Distortions (w. Rene Stevens)


In architecture we have the adage: “Form follows Function.” (Walter Gropius, Bauhaus) Dr Ibrahim Karim, professor, architect, scientist, author and creator of BioGeometry has a more holistic viewpoint. “ENERGY AND SHAPE CREATE FUNCTION.”

Dr Karim is a truly Renaissance Man, who combines science and spirituality in a practical and applicable way for daily life situations. His unified harmonious worldview is based on a new multidimensional ‘PHYSICS OF QUALITY'- BioGeometry. The practicality of his worldview has been demonstrated in the environmental solutions that BioGeometry provides in many areas of life.

Dr Karim helps us understand how we can live richer, more 'connected' lives by learning the 'language' of Nature -- the essence of BioGeometry. It's a language that was known in ancient traditions, including the Egyptian temple sciences but got lost.

If we could relearn it... if we could again communicate with Nature in its own language... we would then be able to examine our homes, learn/work environment, health, food, and our devices (such as cell phones), and determine whether they are supportive of life or not for ourselves, our pets, our environment. If they are not, the science of BioGeometry gives us, as verified by numerous studies, a way to directly adjust them so they become beneficial.

ENERGY is ‘the ability of something to produce an effect.’
Energy is defined through its qualities and its effect on other things.
Angles are qualities in a prism.
Angles are components of FORM. Angles and shapes are ‘frozen’ Qualities. They affect the environment (Physical, Digital, Social).
With the science of QUALITY, we can bring harmony into the environment.
Every SHAPE has QUALITIES that affect everything in the environment.

BioGeometry focuses on reproducing the harmonizing quality (found in sacred power spots) that supports life. This design principle exists in natural shapes. It is the way that nature designs.

Spirituality means living in full harmony with the forces in nature. A certain order that brings order to the universe.
Spirituality is actually acknowledging that nature has certain energy on a certain level that can balance all the visible and invisible energies.

For further information about BioGeometry see the books:
• Back to a Future for Mankind (2010) Translated and published in Chinese and Italian. And 5 language versions are underway. ISBN 978-1449963958
• BioGeometry Signatures, Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment (2016). ISBN 9781537783888
• Hidden Reality, The BioGeometry Physics of Quality (2022). ISBN 9798370712425

Or the websites:
http://www.biogeometry.com (https://www.biogeometry.ca)

The "E" of real estate podcast is about the user experience on university campuses and will help you to create a positive impact by raising awareness and providing best practice examples about rethinking the learning environment to maximize human potential.

A kind of GPS, to tell you where you are on the way to your desired targets. A GPS with objective measurable coordinates of Effectiveness, Efficiency, Evidence and Engagement.

That is the meaning of the "E" in the name of this podcast. An exploration odyssey about REAL ESTATE and the REAL STATE of people. The interface and interaction between the state of the built environment (physical, digital, social) and the health (body, mind, heart, spirit) of people using the built environment.

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